Guide to LinkedIn Analytics for B2B Marketers for Full Success

LinkedIn has evolved from what it used to be. It has evolved from the services it used to provide for Social Media. It’s status of being just a job site. It has evolved as a big marketplace of Content marketing for B2B marketers.

If we talk about LinkedIn Analytics, the social site has quickly become a staple of B2B content marketing with a staggering 500+ million user base. So, if you are someone looking to share hyper-specific content to establish a proper community or want to contact the biggest persons in your industry or are struggling to find top-tier talent for your team, LinkedIn is the Place you should be.

How Can LinkedIn Analytics help generate staggering numbers for you?

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Content Marketing and its branding have become important components for success on LinkedIn. This is also true for companies and individual alike. So, if you want to grow, you will require to figure out the type of content. You must have an excellent messaging skill that people must revert too. For LinkedIn, the content which would work specifically is quite different from what it used to be for other sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For Starters, LinkedIn Analytics focuses on mainly three core areas:

  1. Company Updates
  3. Visitors

So, we check out as to how the LinkedIn Analytics is driven in the market and how marketers can make use of them easily.

Company Updates

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You get real freedom when it comes to company updates but there is a requirement of what’s working for them. On the company updates section on LinkedIn, you can easily check the factors behind the most impressions, engagement, and clicks.

The first part of your company updates contains the following:

  • Preview: Here you’ll see the title of the LinkedIn post as well as the option to view it in real-time. If you hover over the title, you’ll see a preview of the live post.
  • Date: The date the post was published.
  • Audience: This indicates whether the post was sent to all your followers or a targeted group.
  • Sponsored: This shows whether you paid to promote a post. If it was just an organic post, you can click on the “Sponsor” link to start a paid campaign to promote it.
  • Impressions: The number of times the post was shown to LinkedIn members.
  • Clicks: The number of times your company name, content or logo have been clicked.

Interactions: The number of engagements (likes, comments or shares) on your post.


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To understand the key components of LinkedIn Analytics, it is important that we understand if we are reaching the right people. This section provides insights into your audience on the platform as well as the total number of followers, their demographics as well as trends in the growth. The understand the follower demographics, you can view your audience by –

  • Seniority
  • Industry
  • Company Size
  • Function
  • Employee Vs. Non-Employee


This is also the important section as far as the LinkedIn Analytics is concerned. It will provide data about your company page but not about the content there. The data points would include –

  • Page Views
  • Unique Views
  • Visitor Demographics


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